
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2017


Buddhism is a "non-theoretical philosophical and religious doctrine" belonging to the dharmic family and, according to vedism, of the nástika type. Derived from Brahmanism, Buddhism was founded in India in the sixth century BC. C. by Buddha Gautama and has been evolving until acquiring the great diversity of schools and practices. Among them, the most representative are Mahayana Buddhism, Zen Buddhism and Theravada Buddhism. HISTORY OF BUDDHISM: Buddhism begins with the story of Siddhartha Gautama and later also known as Śākyamuni or Tathāgata. It is known that it came from the second Hindu caste, the kṣatriya, composed of warriors and nobles. Nevertheless, some scholars like Andreu Bareau affirm that it is not possible to know exactly if he was a prince or a nobleman. The life and teachings of Gautama were transmitted orally to the first written compilation of Buddhism, called the CanonPāḷi, where the events of his life appear scattered. But there will not

Las Religiones en el Siglo XXI

Este texto pretende resumir el curso de la historia y la teología de las religiones. Este material es más importante en este siglo cuando nos enfrentamos a dos fenómenos (pluralismo religioso y nueva era). Por no mencionar el proceso de secularización que impregna a todos y tiene su énfasis particular en Europa. Primero definiré lo que es religión y su raíz ética, luego describiré dos elementos que parecen muy significativos al escribir sobre historia y teología de las religiones (diálogo interreligioso). La religión es un sistema de actividad humana compuesto de creencias y prácticas sobre lo que se considera divino o sagrado, tanto personal como colectivo, existencial, moral y espiritual. Se habla de "religiones" para referirse a formas específicas de manifestación del fenómeno religioso, compartido por los diferentes grupos humanos. Hay religiones que se organizan de formas más o menos rígidas, mientras que otras carecen de estructura formal y se integran en la

The Religions and the World

The content present in this Blog, aims to synthesize the necessary information of the religions of the world. It is necessary, therefore, that we approach a definition of religion. Wikipedia defines it as "a human activity that usually encompasses beliefs and practices on issues of existential, moral and supernatural." There are religions that are organized in more or less precise ways, while others lack a formal structure; Or less integrated into the traditions. " Defining what is Religion (from the Latin religare or re-legere) has been and is the subject of controversy among the specialists. For G. Lenski, it is "a shared system of associated beliefs and practices, articulated around the nature of the forces that shape the destiny of human beings."  For his part, the anthropologist Clifford Geertz proposes an alternative definition: "Religion is a system of symbols that works to establish vigorous, penetrating and enduring states of mind

Religious Pluralism and Relativism within the Christian Church

Religious pluralism is obvious all over the world. There are approximately 2 billion people calling themselves Christians, more than 1 billion people calling themselves Muslims, more than 850 million people calling themselves Hindus, more than 600 million people called Buddhists, approximately 150 million people who call themselves Christians. Are labeled as atheists, and approximately 14 million people born Jewish. We apologize if we do not mention your faith, philosophy, or movement. The focus of this article is not on pluralism among the most important religions and philosophies. Instead, we will examine the growing movement toward pluralism, relativism, and commitment within Christianity itself. Many people claim to be Christian because they profess a belief in Jesus Christ. However, concepts of "belief" have taken a wide range of definitions in the postmodern Christian church. Specifically, more and more Christian leaders want to escape the label of intoleran