The Religions and the World

The content present in this Blog, aims to synthesize the necessary information of the religions of the world. It is necessary, therefore, that we approach a definition of religion.

Wikipedia defines it as "a human activity that usually encompasses beliefs and practices on issues of existential, moral and supernatural." There are religions that are organized in more or less precise ways, while others lack a formal structure; Or less integrated into the traditions. "

Defining what is Religion (from the Latin religare or re-legere) has been and is the subject of controversy among the specialists.
For G. Lenski, it is "a shared system of associated beliefs and practices, articulated around the nature of the forces that shape the destiny of human beings."
 For his part, the anthropologist Clifford Geertz proposes an alternative definition: "Religion is a system of symbols that works to establish vigorous, penetrating and enduring states of mind and motivations in men, formulating conceptions of a general order of existence and covering these conceptions With an aura of effectiveness so that the moods and motivations seem of a unique realism.
 Due to the wide range of uses of the word, it is especially complex to offer a comprehensive definition of religion or religious phenomenon. However, it can be said that as an anthropological fact, the following elements include: traditions, ancestral cultures, institutions, writings, history, mythology, faith and creeds, mystical experiences, rites, liturgies, prayers, etc.
The word "religion" is sometimes used as a synonym for "organized religion" or "religious organization," that is, institutions that support the exercise or activity of certain beliefs and ceremonies, often in the form of legal entities.
Various human sciences have been interested in the religious phenomenon from their respective points of view such as anthropology, sociology, psychology and the history of religions. On the other hand, disciplines such as the phenomenology of religion specifically study their manifestations trying to give a comprehensive definition of the phenomenon and show their relationship with the nature of the human being.
Philosophically, religion can be a way of life, a path to fullness, a fullness that starts from the very moment one becomes aware of it.
In a broader sense, it is also used to refer to an obligation of conscience that impels the fulfillment of a duty.


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