Religious Pluralism and Relativism within the Christian Church

Religious pluralism is obvious all over the world. There are approximately 2 billion people calling themselves Christians, more than 1 billion people calling themselves Muslims, more than 850 million people calling themselves Hindus, more than 600 million people called Buddhists, approximately 150 million people who call themselves Christians. Are labeled as atheists, and approximately 14 million people born Jewish. We apologize if we do not mention your faith, philosophy, or movement.

The focus of this article is not on pluralism among the most important religions and philosophies. Instead, we will examine the growing movement toward pluralism, relativism, and commitment within Christianity itself. Many people claim to be Christian because they profess a belief in Jesus Christ. However, concepts of "belief" have taken a wide range of definitions in the postmodern Christian church. Specifically, more and more Christian leaders want to escape the label of intolerance and narrow-mindedness. They want to be accepted into a postmodern world where everyone is saying, "My truth is different from your truth" and "my way to God is different from your way to God" - so do not judge others based on old-fashioned books , Rules, and morality


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