

The beginnings of Confucianism are traced between 1776 and 1112a.c where the Shang dynasty encourages a certain cultural-spiritual environment. Here divination was practiced in relation to the spirits.

At the end of the Han Dynasty Confucianism was the state ideology, then scholars of the Wei-Jin dynasty introduced elements to Taoism. Confucianism came to face competition with Buddhism and Taoism. A great representative or - in better words - impeller of Confucianism was Han Yu who was a very important person inside the Confucian administration.

Confucianism at the beginning was taught by the administrative leaders of the nation, an element that helped Han Yu to elaborate a Neo-Confucianism that was based on ancient Confucian texts and as a product of cultural and religious friction with Buddhism and Taoism.


Kong - Zi better known as "Confusion" in the West, is believed to have been born between 552 and 551 BC in Shangtung. Humble of origin and educated, he held administrative positions and there witnessed injustice and oppression, and it is from this that he elaborates all his ethical teachings. They are based on two key principles:

JEN = that refers to the kindness and the unconditional love towards the other, like foment of the good social relations.
LI = that refers to duty, righteousness and honesty that equally focuses on establishing healthy social relationships.
CHU HSI: This is also understood as a classical Confucianism adapted to later times of the death of confusio, founded by disciples of connfusio.
WAN YANG - MING: It has certain doctrinal differences with the Chu Hsi and considered its teachings very complicated.
WANG YANG MING: It also differs doctrinally from the previous two; But in this case, the name is result is its same founder.

I - Ching: Also called the book of mutations, it describes divinatory rites and works some philosophical matters.
Shang - Shu: Works some Historical documents and speeches of kings.
Shijing: It is a text that works poems and songs
The classic of the rites: It is a text that contains the classic rites within Confucianism.
Chunqiu: It is a text that records some matters and history of the State, within its administration and communion with Confucianism.


Confucianism worships no deity. As a fundamental belief and practically the heart of Confusionism is Goodness, here ethics plays a fundamental role and goodness is seen as the main value, through which social relationships are sanitized.

The conversion is reflected with a good behavior, by which allude to a purely ethical doctrine. Within this religious culture, the Chung - Tzu are the rites are understood by Confucius as useful means to show the principle of Harmony which is known as Li - principle of harmony in the heart - and Yi as the principle of harmony in the mind. Older adults are also considered as Chung - Tzu, as people of great wisdom and ethics, that is, they are as people closer to religion.


In Confucianism there are so-called family rituals where transitional ceremonies, marriages and funerals take place. It is common that in the rituals worship, an adoration of the ancestors who are also seen as Chung - Tzu.


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